It's time to see what I'm made of. I mean really made of. I do believe that God brings you through anything He brings you to. My challenge is to maintain a good attitude during the trials. This may be my toughest challenge yet. Single-parenting a 1-year-old during my first trimester of pregnancy (which for me meant utter exhaustion). Barrett left for Iraq in July for four months. I decided to spend my time in PA with my family during this time, which was a mixed blessing. I cherished the company of my parents and being 'home', but slept on an air mattress in their living room for those four months. Also, my dad ended up in the hospital for a couple weeks due to heart problems, so I helped out with mom's care. We just moved into our house in GA before the deployment, so I hadn't made any friends yet to keep me here. I wondered if perhaps I should have stayed in GA and began that process. But, there would be time for that. For now, I did my best making memories in PA while I had the rare opportunity to be there. A week before Daddy left, heading to our new neighborhood pool.
The first leg of our trip to PA
The second leg
Made it safely. Laken loves going for rides with Grandma all summer. Zoom zoom!
I count this as a blessing. Seeing an albino squirrel in my parent's backyard (he's on the wire). We used to see them out back when I was a child.
We got to spend time with my childhood friend.
Laken helped mow the lawn and pick tomatoes!
As well as peel potatoes
You were rewarded for your 'chores' with ice cream. Granddad actually RAN after the ice cream truck for this cone. My mom and I laughed about how he wouldn't have run to get US ice cream!

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