Saturday, March 31, 2012

Coming home

The family is all together in our safe, warm and dry home.  God pointed this out to me in my exhaustion at 3am.  He had me watch a Little House on the Prairie episode with my eyes half open, while pumping milk (every three hours around the clock, so that I might feed you now and store up for future use).  I worried that keeping up with two babies while sleep-deprived might just kill me.  To be honest, I had nightmares during my pregnancy of how difficult it would be.  I dreaded feeling like a zombie, desperate for sleep, while never having the opportunity to nap, be alone, or have the energy to exercise (hence, lose the baby weight).  Then I saw 'ma' struggle to maintain her home while 'pa' was away for several weeks.  There were Indians in her front 'yard', threatening the very safety of everyone inside.  She had to keep the fire going for warmth, all while sitting at the front door with a rifle in fear that the Indians might attack.  Forget about going outside to pee.  She sang songs in what appeared like a state of delerium, just to stay awake all night to protect her family.  This scenario isn't far from the truth for some cultures today and many cultures hundreds of years ago.  God saw it and wanted me to see it.  He has a fantastic way of saying to me "You are safe, warm and dry" and that brought more comfort to me than I can express.  Then He blessed me with women who brought us meals for 2 solid weeks after Daddy went back to work.  And, you know, I had the energy to do what needed to get done, time for napping and figured out a routine in no time.  Having you brought much glory to GOD.  And many smiles to our faces.

I love seeing my complete family.  Look how healthy everyone is.  And safe.  And warm.  And dry.
Never forget these blessings that sometimes we can take for granted.  Others have had it so much harder.  Remember that and remember them.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Birthday parties

Being a parent means opportunities to party, party, party!!  We have left the wedding reception-era of our twenties and entered into children's birthday parties in our 30's.  We have swapped the "Electric Slide" for "Happy Birthday, dear Billy" and bottles of Bud light for bottles of strawberry milk.  But let me tell you, the cost just may be about the same for some of these.  Similar to a wedding, you are blessed just to have been invited to the celebration.  This particular party for a certain 1-year-old in Laken's social circle, was cowboy themed.
 No detail left unnoticed.

 A s'mores-making station, far left

 Table centerpieces
 Cowboy boot cookies for everyone!

 A photo station, complete with Poloroid camera

 The scarves, hats and horses were take-home party favors

As well as a cowboy hat or boot Christmas ornament

Other themes we experienced this year included "Farm Animals" complete with goats, turkeys, horses, ponies, peacocks, and sheep.

A seasoned party-goer knows to greet the guest-of-honor upon her arrival.

Here we have a smaller animals themed party

A train-themed party at the Train Museum in Savannah.

Declan, the birthday boy

Laken wore her rainbow striped pants to this colorful party

 The lovely Sadie

Party like a Rock Star!  Hmmm....there's an idea.....

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Ahhh, one to add to our collection.  When Barrett and I moved to GA, we began a hobby of sorts, of taking pictures of signs we find funny, mostly because the idea behind them is lacking good sense.  And stupidity is kinda funny.  Wonder who was responsible for this grammatical eye sore.

Now this one was funny just by simply pointing out the obvious.

What made this so funny was the reflection of our times, or maybe just living in the south.  A bargain on's not just for the rich anymore!

Another reflection of southern living.  Now who could pass up that deal??

 Ok, back to stupidity.  So, apparently the Ramada Inn sold their business and the new owners had to change the name "right quick".  So, what is quicker and easier than purchasing a new sign with a new name?  You guessed it!  Sounds like luxury accomodations!
Here's a sign you girls will never see in your adulthood!  Unless, that is, you live in the South and they are STILL behind the politically-correct times
Now that we're back in GA, my eyes are always open for more signs to add to my collection.  I can't believe I didn't have my camera on me the day Hardees was advertising 'fried bologna biscuits'.  Yum.