Saturday, December 31, 2011

My New Year's Resolutions

Wow.  2012.  Personally, I love the thought of a 'fresh start'.  I love 'closure' and goals and all that crap.  What a better time to clean up your life than New Year's Day?  The most popular day of the year to quit smoking, and lose weight (which pisses me off cause my gym is PACKED all of the sudden).  But, I love self-improvement and second-chances as much as the next girl.  So, I took some time to reflect on ways that I suck and am planning to set out to become the 'me' that I might actually like to be married to (this is the question I sometimes ask myself in order to discover the ways in which I suck).  So, without further ado.....

1.  I feed my family (and myself) crap.  This leads me to the resolution of 'clean eating'.  You've heard it....if God didn't make it, don't eat it.  Or if it doesn't have a mother or a seed, don't eat it?  Something like that.  This will take more effort on my husband's part than mine.  Eating healthy is expensive!  And my husband is, well, economical.  He tried to convince me tonight that "Jesus made sausage".  He might have, but it's not in the bible, so, no dice.  I actually went into this one pretty optimistic until I tried to recruit a friend and she reminded me that our children's naptime will now suck (no more twinkies that we've been hiding from the kids while watching last night's Biggest Loser or Bachelor??).
2.  Facebook less.  Can I just say that #1 would be a heck of lot easier if I made #2 possible.  Plus my house would be a lot cleaner.  Hmmm.
3.  Be a better friend.  Ouch.  This was hard to admit, but I can be a pretty crappy friend.  I'm not going to try and make up some excuse or even search for the truth within.  All I know is that I haven't had a best friend since college.  And when I saw that person recently, she told me she still considers me her best friend.  I haven't sent her daughter a birthday card in 10 years.  And that's something your best friend does.  Period.
4.  Build more muscle.  I'm not interested in losing weight, although that will be a good effect of this resolution.  I just want to be stronger.  And get compliments on my massive man-like arms :)
5.  Learn to sew.  This hit me like a ton of bricks when my friend told me that she sewed her family matching pajama bottoms for Christmas.  I don't get domestic pangs very often.  Maybe once a year.  But this did it for me.  I want to sew matching pajama bottoms for my family.  And maybe an apron and some curtains.  I'm going to dust off the sewing machine and ask my husband to teach me.  Yes, you heard me correctly.
6.  Stop judging others and talking bad about people.  This one was purely holy spirit driven.  I (or God) asked myself "would you say that about that person if they were standing right beside you?"  My answer was "Oh, heck no!"  This will be the toughest crappy behavior for me to change.  Judging others for their poor decisions makes me feel like I know what I'm doing in life.  Now how will I feel?  I might need a therapist for this one.
So, the countdown begins.  A fresh start.  A new me.  Until then, I shall sit here and eat Kraft macaroni and cheese while talking trash about my friends and family.  Wish me luck!

Monday, December 26, 2011

This old house

Some time in 1973, my parents had a pretty big day.  They moved into their newly built home and found out they were expecting me.  Christmas time is one of my favorite childhood memories in this house. 

 My parents were pretty eager to produce lots of smiles from two little girls with what 'santa' would bring.

This year, those coveted smiles would be from Laken and Marielle. 

I have awoken in this house on Christmas morning for this, the 37th year in a row. 

Some Christmas's were white. 

This year was green.

But santa showed up to 833 Union School Road no matter the weather.

I know one day, we will start a new tradition in our own home, but for now, I will cherish this opportunity for as many years as I can. Afterall, not everyone can say they spend Christmas morning within the same walls, with the same people they did 30+ years ago.  May we all be here together next year!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas '11 (and some memories of Christmas past)

I've been thinking about traditions this holiday.  I need to get some started now that I have children.  It gives holidays a familiar, comforting joy.  Particularly as an adult.  It's something you can rely on, whether it's a place you belong year after year or an act that says 'you belong to me and I to you'.  Maybe it's an event that puts life in perspective or recognizes what's really important.   

 Everyone is doing the "Elf on the Shelf", and I must admit, it seems like good fun.  I have put this on my list to do next year.  I am certain the girls will get a kick out of looking for this little, creepy guy every day in December.  He may even show up mid-July for giggles ;)

So far, without really thinking about it, I guess we already have a couple of traditions.  For the past three years, I have gone out to buy new Christmas dresses for the girls and have their picture taken with Santa Claus.  Maybe we'll continue this.  Maybe Marielle will only wear one shoe from now on.  Hey, all traditions gotta begin somewhere, right?

The girls have also celebrated Christmas Eve at Aunt Gwen's house each year of their 'long' lives.  As a matter of fact, I too have been celebrating at her house since I was born!  It's that place where I know I belong year after year.  I can remember being around Laken's age and eager to leave Aunt Gwen's and get home to bed in case Santa showed up. 

There's always a nice feast!

 Cousins to play with

 And good spirits

On Christmas morning, we sang "Happy Birthday, Jesus."  We will definitely keep this tradition.  It keeps us focused on why we are gathered here....the birth of our Savior.

WVU gear always turns up in someone's gift bag.

More cousins

I am definately looking forward to starting some real meaningful traditions as the girls get older.  Some way for them to keep in mind the reason for the season, and the less fortunate.  I also hope they are celebrating the same traditions with their children, 30+ years later.